legion: n.1.古罗马军团〔约有三千至六千步兵,辅以骑兵〕。2.军团,大批部队。3.众多,大批,无数。4.〔L-〕 = American L-, Foreign L- 等的简称。短语和例子a legion of followers 大批追随者。 Their name is Legion [legion]. 他们很多。 the American [British] legion 美国
The second league : there will be clans that falled behind from the clans of the first league with their points : two from the first legion , two from the second etc 第二标准联盟比赛将按照比分少于第一标准联盟出线站队的后两支站队将出战第二标准联盟比赛